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The Business Case for Upgrading to Microsoft 365 Business Premium 

您是否一直犹豫是否要将您的组织的Microsoft 365订阅从标准版升级到高级版,因为您不确定它是否值得额外的费用? It’s understandable to be cautious about spending more. However, 也许是时候重新评估高级订阅提供的长期价值和投资回报率了, especially in terms of security. 了解标准版和高级版的区别Microsoft 365 Business Premium包括高级安全功能,旨在应对现代网络威胁. In contrast, the Standard subscription offers only basic protection, which may not be enough against today’s sophisticated cyberattacks. Upgrading to Premium better […]

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Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Cyber threats continue to evolve with alarming sophistication. 令人不安的现实是,如果您没有将管理检测和响应(MDR)作为澳门赌场网址大全战略的一部分,网络入侵者可能已经在您的网络中导航而未被发现. 考虑这样一个场景:一名员工点击了一个看似无害的电子邮件链接, leading them to a cleverly disguised login page. 相信这是合法的,他们输入自己的用户名和密码,并没有考虑它. 实际情况是他们把证件给了一个网络罪犯. 一旦入侵者获得个人公司账户的访问权限,他们就会进入[…]

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Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access 

Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access

你是否发现自己浪费了宝贵的时间试图登录不同的公司系统? Imagine it’s a typical Monday morning, and you’re faced with the all-too-familiar “Incorrect Password” error. 时间一分一秒地过去,你在为一个重要会议努力获取关键信息, 导致呼叫IT支持,并增加了不断增长的类似请求队列. This scenario is a daily reality in many offices, 将简单的登录变成耗时的生产力杀手. Fortunately, there’s a solution: Single Sign-On (SSO). With SSO, the days of recalling numerous passwords, dealing with account lockouts, and contacting […]

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Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper 

Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper

你是如何记住你所有个人和专业在线账户的密码的? 你是否使用容易记忆的信息,如生日或家庭成员和宠物的名字? Do you have passwords written down on paper? Do you let your web browser store them? Do you a single password that you use for every account you have? If you use any of these password storage tactics, 你应该马上更改,因为这些都是不安全的保存密码的方法. 有一种更好的方法来存储和利用你的密码,那就是使用密码管理员. […]

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The Value of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

What's the value of cybersecurity awareness training?

澳门赌场网址大全意识培训包含在我们向Bellwether客户提供的安全服务中. 我们这样做是因为我们明白澳门赌场网址大全不仅仅是技术问题. 这是关于行为和培训员工的最佳实践,这样他们就不会无意中让网络入侵者进入他们的设备和雇主的网络. 7月被称为勒索软件月,提醒人们这类恶意软件对各地公司构成的威胁. Ransomware is just one kind of malware that pervades the internet. Why focus on this one kind and not the others? Ransomware […]

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Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Compliance and the Expanding Need for Security Accountability

Companies that sell software, manufactured parts or legal services are very different types of businesses, yet all of them have something in common. 他们都面临着越来越需要证明他们正在保护他们收集的数据的问题, use and store. 有时,对安全遵从性的需求来自法律法规,但越来越多的组织需要安全遵从性, the need for security compliance is coming from their customers or vendors. In this article, 我们将探讨澳门赌场网址大全合规要求如何扩展到传统上没有受到监管的行业,并概述合规[…]

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Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Services Provider: Your Key Role

Partnering with Your Cybersecurity Service Provider: Your Key Role

澳门赌场网址大全不仅仅是技术工具和检查正确的框,以确保所有的软件协同工作. If it was, then security strategy would be a set-it and forget-it process. Unfortunately, 当你与外包澳门赌场网址大全服务提供商合作时,要建立坚实的网络防御没有简单的方法, you have a key role to play in your own security success. In fact, 而不是把与你合作的澳门赌场网址大全服务公司视为供应商, you should think of them as a partner. For a partnership to function, each […]

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How Much Do Cybersecurity Services Cost?

How much do cybersecurity services cost?

当你的网络防御还很简单的时候,你可能不会过多考虑成本. 现在你的澳门赌场网址大全策略更复杂,需要更大的投资, you might wonder if what you’re paying is reasonable. While we can’t give you precise answer to that question, we can help you understand what drives cybersecurity costs. 在评估澳门赌场网址大全服务成本时,首先要记住的是,要意识到澳门赌场网址大全服务有许多不同的组成部分,很难为每个组成部分划分出具体的成本. That would be like going to a restaurant and asking […]

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How to Choose a Cybersecurity Service Provider: 7 Questions to Ask

how to choose a cybersecurity service provider

当您认识到内部IT团队或小型IT支持公司无法处理所有需要安全完成的事情时, it’s time to outsource cybersecurity services. 这些迹象可能是任何事情,从经历网络攻击到你没有资格获得网络保险. Even if you don’t know what to look for, 直觉告诉你,你的生意没有得到应有的保护,这是你不应该忽视的. 像Bellwether这样的管理IT和网络防御公司在这里为您带来您内部没有的安全能力. Not only can […]

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What Roles Are Included in a Cybersecurity Department?

What's roles are included in a cybersecurity department?

过去,管理澳门赌场网址大全需要做的任何事情都可以由一个小的内部团队来处理. It’s a lot different now. There’s too much for one person to do or know. 今天,澳门赌场网址大全是一门独立的学科,包括不同的专业. To cover all the bases, 你真的需要一个完整的澳门赌场网址大全部门这对于大多数中小型企业来说是不可行的. 中小企业获得所需澳门赌场网址大全能力的方式是与Bellwether等管理IT和网络防御公司合作. By outsourcing, companies get access to […]

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